Thursday, March 25, 2010

Yeshiva Chasdei Torah Ad

The Right Yeshiva if your child’s future is important to you!
54 Avenue O - Brooklyn, NY 11204
For more information and registration
please call (Eve.) 718-871-7693 (Day) 718-677-1630

TGI Furniture Purim Tent Sale

Post Card Back

Post Card Front

Price Tag

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

TGI Furniture Ads

Tiferes Yisroel Chasdei Simcha Newsletter

Keren Yisucher Dov Brochure

Rizhin'er Dinner Posters

Logo Strategic Marketing Solutions

Stereo City 2010 Honda Odyssey LX Ad

Reb Mayer Baal Hanes Sharei Tzion Pesach Flyer

Logo Ohr Yechezkel

Logo Chevras Tehillim

Linas Hachesed Purim Ad 2010

Linas Hachesed Pesach Newsletter 2010

Hamelech Megilos Ad

Fairmont Ads

Viznitz Postcard

Receipt Ohr Boruchai

Klausenberg Envelope

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Crown Dry Goods

Birchas Hastam Nisen Ad

Logo Olam Hachesed

Bikur Cholim Blood Voucher

Bikur Cholim Blood Drive November 2009

Bikur Cholim Blood Drive March 2010

Bikur Cholim Blood Drive January 2010

Bikur Cholim Blood Drive February 2010

Bikur Cholim Blood Drive April 2010